Joushou Rikkaidai! || Жертва суровой мимимишности Риккая || Морская нимфа солнечного света
Я тут опять с тыреной инфой про школы))) На этот раз Шитенходжи и Сейгаку.
Real life Shitenhouji? Welcome to Shitennouji! And what about Seigaku?Real life Shitenhouji? Welcome to Shitennouji! And what about Seigaku?
Haha, yesterday I was talking with Seiiya, who told me about the existence of Shitenhouji school! Well, or to be more precise, the school Shitenhouji is based on.
Let me present you Shitennouji Chuu Gakkou (Shitennouji Middle School, with one kanji difference from Shitenhouji), located in Osaka, district Tennouji. It is in grounds of Shitennouji Temple, which is oldest Buddhist temple in Japan.
Let’s have some pictures.

Well, you can’t deny the similarity xD

The infamous entrance which you can’t pass without doing something silly
I wonder if there’s a bt of truth in this? >
If you go to Osaka, definitely go to visit the Shitennouji school and the temple for some fortune-telling!
Well, and what about Seigaku?
Japanese fans think that Seishun Gakuen is based on Aoyama Gakuin Daigaku (Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo). It is one of most prestigious private universitites in Japan, belonging to Asia’s top.
Seishun Gakuen is written like this: 青春学園
Aoyama Gakuin is written like this: 青山学院
They share two same kanjis and that is ‘ao’ (青
which means ‘blue’ and ‘gaku’ (学
which means ‘learning, knowledge).
Aoyama Gakuin is often shortened as AOGAKU 青学 and these kanjis can be also read as SEIGAKU
So yes!
They have a middle school affiliated too, so let’s have some pictures. Unfortunately I don’t have pictures of Seigaku to compare it, so if somone does, it would be much appreciated 

Funny, most of pictures I found were of tennis courts XD
I’m not sure about their tennis uniforms, but at Aoyama Gakuin University, they are blue & white. But not that similar to Seigaku’s.
So if you want to go to study to Japan, why not to try Shitennouji University or Aoyama Gakuin University?
(Or their affiliated middle schools and high schools lol
source: x & JP Wiki & schools’ sites
Sanada Genichirou (Kusunoki Taiten) - Meisei
делаем вывод, что все школы существуют ♥
Картинки и фото,
14.11.2013 в 19:23
14.11.2013 в 20:13
ну я же не могла не))
Им там вообще всем круто в Японии Х)
14.11.2013 в 20:17
14.11.2013 в 21:46
14.11.2013 в 21:48
14.11.2013 в 21:51
14.11.2013 в 22:08
14.11.2013 в 22:21
14.11.2013 в 22:35
Это ДримКафе какое-то
14.11.2013 в 22:36
Roneko Julie, прости за оффтоп, но разве он не прекрасен?!
14.11.2013 в 23:17
а кто он? Риккай? Риккай прекрасен, но я не уверена, ты о нем?
15.11.2013 в 00:22
в цитвтник, в цитатник!
15.11.2013 в 10:37
16.11.2013 в 01:31