Joushou Rikkaidai! || Жертва суровой мимимишности Риккая || Морская нимфа солнечного света
Mizuki Hajime
For the sake of the club's speedy improvement, St. Rudolph's brain is running about!
(Kinda means like Mizuki is being busy, improving the tennis club ( : )
St. Rudolph, Year 3, Class 1, Seat 21
Birthday (Horoscope): 27th May (Gemini)
Bloodtype: B
Special Move: Data tennis
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Committee: School Dormitory Committee (Member)
Worst Subject: Calligraphy (Because it would dirty his hands)
Most Visited Place In School: Library, data room
Elementary School: Yamagata Prefecture Zaoukita Elementary
Allowance spent on: Tableware, Food
Motto: If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. (Summer: From Sun Tzu)
Favorite Movie: Breakfast at Tiffany's
Favorite Book(s): Chemistry-related books
Favorite Music: Narciso Yepes's guitar music
Favorite Dating Place: English royalty type stylish cafe
Something that he wants the most at the moment: Rococo style tea set
Routine: An observatory diary on roses
Weakness/Dislikes: Dirty things, pollen (allergy)
Strengths (other than tennis): Singing (opera)
After the Prefecture Tournaments, Mizuki seems to have stepped down from the tennis club activities, but he still continues to gather data of other schools!! His regrets from losing the Prefecture Tournaments will be cleared by his juniors!?
Using data tennis, he spots his opponent's weak points and attacks!
Analysis on Mizuki!!
Motto: If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.
Using his sharp observation skills, he gathers data!!
Mizuki shows Yuuta, who will shoulder the future of St. Rudolph, tennis matches. And at the same time, he checks out the opponents as he feels that this is the key to victory.
To Fuji, who he lost to, he does not match a single match.
Analysis on Mizuki!!
Favourite phrase: "Nfuu"
Behind his polite way of speech, which isn't middle schooler-like at all, what deep thoughts is he hiding? With his periodic 'Nfu' and 'Nn--', he gives people an impression of not letting his guard down, and appears strong.
Saying 'Nfu' and 'Nn--' helps block out surrounding noise and allows him to think over plans.
"It's really irritating..."
Personal data
Height: 166cm
Weight: 52kg
Feet size: 25.5cm
Eyesight: Left/Right 1.0
Total number of PCs he has changed: 6
When analyzing data, he always uses the latest PC model!!
He is always catching up to the PCs with the best performance, when a new PC becomes available, he changes. He sells off the old model at a second hand store, and buy a new one with the money!!
Yanagisawa's trivia on Mizuki!!
He always goes to the dormitory bath area alone, dane!
Even when we invite him to go to the baths with us, he rejects dane. I'm never inviting him again, dane.
Rivals speak about Mizuki!!
From Fuji: You're always taking care of my brother. From then on, Yuuta's skills have improved. Is it because of you...? *chuckles*
From Dan: Taking up the role of both manager and player is amazing! Even when I become a player, I will still work hard to collect data.
From Renji: Data tennis is something that can only be achieved if you've a clear state of mind. He seems to be quite the emotional type though...(с)
Hitsugaya Toushiro (Paku Romi) - Hagane No Kokoro
вот бы еще кто-нибудь перевел...
27.12.2012 в 00:19
только сайт ща почему то не работает((((
27.12.2012 в 00:52
не, не переводили, я как-то смотрела, там только самое основное - рост, вес, дата рождения, основная рука да должность в клубе...))
А я думала, только у меня не работает... Блин ТТ
27.12.2012 в 12:28
а ниже ты не смотрела,
нет инфы из фанбука?
Блин, если он не будет работать -
это печально((
27.12.2012 в 12:48
слушай, ну я же не первый день в интернете! Нету там ниже, пусто Х) Там на Рудольф ниже наверно ни у кого нету)) Хотя у Юты может быть, а так нет)
27.12.2012 в 12:56
Просто я бывает
иногда не замечаю ссылку)
27.12.2012 в 13:13