Joushou Rikkaidai! || Жертва суровой мимимишности Риккая || Морская нимфа солнечного света
Абсолютно случайно нашла профайлы Шитенходжи из фанбука 40,5 на английском (с комментами переводчика Х))
Стырено с ЖЖ - иШираишиShiraishi Kuranosuke
Grade: year 3, class 2 #14 (same as Kenya)
Birthdate: 4/14 (aries)
Blood type: B
Height: 178cm
Weight: 66kg
Hand: left
Fave food: cheese risotto
Hobbies: chess, 健康体操 (kanji reader says health gymnastics? like yoga, I guess?)
Family: father, mother, older sis, younger sis, cat
Father's occupation: 薬剤師 (chemist/pharmacist)
Commitee: 保健委員 (health/hygiene)
Best subject: chemistry
Worst subject: none
Most visited spot in the school: infirmary
Spends his allowance on: health goods
Motto: 有終の美 (Perfection's beauty)
Movie: korean movies
Book: 植物図鑑 (basically, illustrated book on plants... THIS is why I say he's into pot)
Music: トランス系 (um... ? Rave-y stuff?)
Color: 若草色 (grass-colored... READ: WEED-COLORED)
Type: a girl that smells like shampoo?
Favorite date spot: botanical garden (see Chitose's below)
Most desired/needed item: full-length mirror
Daily routine: お風呂あがりのストレッチ(ヨガ) - stretching after getting out of the bath (yoga)
Dislikes: 逆ナンしてくる女の子 (girls that go out to hit on guys?)
Special skill: is able to recognize poisonous plants (again with the... yeah)ЧитосеChitose Senri
Grade: year 3, class 1 #17
Birthdate: 12/31 (capricorn)
Blood type: A
Height: 194cm
Weight: 81kg
Hand: left
Fave food: basashi (raw horsemeat dish... ew)
Hobbies: shougi, walking
Family: father, mother, Miyuki
Father's occupation: potter XDDDD
Commitee: 美化委員 (um... beautification?), same as Banira Aisu
Best subject: math, history, art
Worst subject: music XD
Most visited spot in the school: 学校の裏山 (the hill behind the school? to smoke his weed?)
Spends his allowance on: ふらっと出かけたときの電車賃 (I think basically he goes out and gets a random train ticket... I SO CALLED THAT CHITOSE SORT OF WANDERS OFF AIMLESSLY EVERY SO OFTEN!!!)
Motto: 面白きこともなき世を面白く - When you're bored, make life interesting (not a literal translation)
Movie: Ghibli anime
Book: 詰め将棋の本 (shogi book)
Music: the sound of rustling leaves
Color: 蒲公英色 (the color of dandalions???)
Type: カゲのある子 (um? maybe he likes Utena too?)
Favorite date spot: the park (see Kura's above)
Most desired/needed item: シルバーピアス (silver piercing... I'm guessing earring)
Daily routine: 散策しながら野良猫を愛でる事 (goes for a walk and... admires stray cats? or something)
Dislikes: spiders XDDD
Special skill: 見ただけで兄弟構成がわかる事 (Recognizing siblings on sight)КеньяOshitari Kenya
Grade: year 3, class 2 #5
Birthdate: 3/17 (pisces)
Blood type: B
Height: 177cm
Weight: 63kg
Hand: right
Fave food: green soup?, oden
Hobbies: window-shopping
Family: father, mother, younger brother, iguana (XD)
Father's occupation: doctor (guess it's the family business)
Commitee: 放送委員 (broadcasting?)
Best subject: english, math
Worst subject: world history
Most visited spot in the school: 放送室 (broadcasting room... do they mean radio?)
*Went to the same elementary school as Yuushi*
Spends his allowance on: hair bleach
Motto: NOスピードNOライフ (No speed no life <--- in engrish)
Movie: Speed (oh, KENYA)
Book: モータースポーツマンガ (motor sports manga)
Music: rap (again... oh, KENYA)
Color: red, white
Type: an innocent girl
Favorite date spot: amusement park jetcoaster
Most desired/needed item: new belt
Daily routine: takes care of his iguana
Dislikes: waiting
Special skill: drumsЗайзенZaizen Hikaru
Grade: year 2, class 7 #14
Birthdate: 7/20 (cancer)
Blood type: A
Height: 167cm
Weight: 57kg
Hand: left
Fave food: 白玉ぜんざい (shiratama - white flour dumpling)
Hobbies: music appreciation (western/non-japanese)
Family: father, mother, older brother, sister-in-law, nephew (meaning he's the WAY younger child... figures)
Father's occupation: salaryman (commerce)
Commitee: Library committee
Best subject: english
Worst subject: classics
Most visited spot in the school: audiovisual room
Spends his allowance on: CD代、ネット代 (CDs and EPs... so, music)
Motto: 能ある鷹は爪を隠す (a wise man keeps some of his talents in reserve; one shouldn't show off; the person who knows most often says least)
Movie: Amelie (aww... what a sweetie!)
Book: music mags
Music: brittish indy stuff
Color: carmine
Type: a family-oriented girl
Favorite date spot: オシャレなカフェ (swank cafe)
Most desired/needed item: オーディオセット audioset
Daily routine: blogging XD
Dislikes: 魚のにがいところ (no clue)
Special skill: パソコンで作曲すること (composes music on his computer?)Кин-чанTooyama Kintarou
Class: 1-4, class number 20
Birthday: April 1 (Aries)
Bloodtype: B
Height: 151cm
Weight: 52kg
Eyesight: 3.6 both left and right
Dominant arm/hand: Right
Best technique: Super Ultra Great Delicious Giant Swing Mountain Storm. (Chou Ultra Great Delicious Daishyarin Yamaarashi)
Favorite Food: Takoyaki
Hobbies: Reading manga
Family: Dad, Mom, Dog
Father's work: Post Office Employee (Mailman! 8D)
Committee: Athletics Committee
Best Subject: PE
Worst Subject: Japanese, Math, Science, Social Studies, English (The important 5 subjects)
Most Visited spot in School: Gym
Elementary school: Dotonhori(???) First Elementary School (Same as Zaizen)
Spends money on: Takoyaki
Motto: An eye for an eye!1
Favorite Movies: Sentai
Fave book: COOL (Konomi's previous book, where Kintarou got Shiraishi's poison arm. thing.)1
Favorite song: Matsuri no Ondo (Festival songs?)
Favorite color: Gold, Orange, Green
Fave type (of person): Interesting guy
Date spot: What's a date?
Most wanted item: 100 pieces of takoyaki!
Daily habit: Eating a lot
Dislikes: Studying
Skills other than tennis: Eating fast
Racquet: Original (The gut has not yet broken)КохаруKonjiki Koharu
Class: 3-8, classnumber 9 (Same as Yuuji's)
Birthday: 11/9 (Scorpio)
Bloodtype: B
Height: 170cm
Weight: 60kg
Shoe size: 20cm
Eyesight: Left and right 0.03
Dominant hand: Right
Best technique: IQ Tennis, Comic Tennis
Favorite food; Dried plums
Hobbies: Making jokes
Family: Dad, Mom, Sister
Father's job: University professor
Committee: Student Council Accounts (Treasury)
Best Subject: Math
Worst Subject: None
Most visited place in school: Toilet (lol)
Elementary School: Domyouji Elementary School
Spends his money on: Going to see Manzai
Motto: Pink Unrequited Love v
Fave movie: SFX movies
Fave book: Einstein's books
Fave music: Cute idol music/songs
Fave color: Yellow-green, pink
Type of person: Cute
Date spot: Romantic places
Daily Routine: Winking practice
Dislikes: Clumsy men
Skills other than tennis: Hakase to Joshu play
Racquet: YONEXЮджиHitouji Yuuji
Class: 3-8, classnumber 22
Birthday: 9/11
Bloodtype: B
Height: 168cm
Weight: 59kg
Shoe size: 25.5cm
Eyesight: Left and right 1.8
Dominant hand: Left (Right if he's with Koharu)
Best technique: Mimicry Tennis, Comic Tennis
Favorite food; Okra
Hobbies: Making jokes
Family: Dad, Mom, Older brother
Father's job: Designer
Committee: Interesting Research Committee Member (LOLRIKA WHAT?)
Best Subject: Art
Worst Subject: Math
Most visited place in school: Wherever Koharu is
Elementary School: Shin Yanagawakita Elementary School
Spends his money on: Props
Motto: 人生マネたモン勝ちや!人生ホレたモン負けや! (Imitating life is win! Falling in love with life is lose! ...bad translations, I tell ya.)
Fave movie: Cutie Honey
Fave book: small joke collections
Fave music: Western music, rock
Fave color: Indigo
Type of person: Koharu
Date spot: Watching TV in your own home
Daily Routine: Watching TV on his own
Dislikes: Kids
Skills other than tennis: Mimicry
Racquet: YONEXНеожиданно для себя открыла, что зову гей-пару по имени ОоИ еще такая прелесть из дневника
~Джи~ххх: Хётей - это подавление. Не злобное, а... как бы... блин, не знаю как сказать
ууу: ну, ты видишь Хетей и понимаешь, что ты - отстойменя убило нафиг
One Draft - Gintama 15 end (Wonderful Days)
сегодня первая серия ШинПури!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Если я правильно посчитала, в 16:50 по белорусскому времени